502 - Intermediate CCW - Review / Simulator Workshop (Classroom Only)
Tue 4/29/2025 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Down Range Indoor Training Center
Class Price:
Class size limited to 6 students
Course Description:
This 2-hour Intermediate CCW course builds upon the draw from the holster courses from the holster and concealment course picks up where the 400 series-draw from holster series, left off. During this section of the Intermediate CCW course, we will begin with a brief review of the first course, and we will continue to focus on and improve on the basic 5 count draw from the holster techniques while drawing from concealment.
Class 502 utilizes the simulator in the classroom. All drawing from the holster is done in a safe, controlled manner under direct supervision of certified firearms instructors. Students will utilize training holster and simulator firearm provided by Down Range. Concealment clothing (Cover Shirt/Jacket/ is requested for preliminary practice of drawing from concealment. Completion of the 501 course is requested for this course as it builds upon lessons learned in that course.
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to practice and improve on the concealed 5-count draw in a safe, controlled environment under the direct supervision of a certified firearms instructor. By the end of this course, the student should have a basic understanding and proficiency in safely drawing a pistol from a concealed holster.
THIS IS A PREREQUISITE FOR 503 - Intermediate CCW - Review / Live Fire Simulator Workshop version 1 (Range Only)