Class Enrollment

Class Registration
POST / NRA-LEOSA Qual or CCW Add-on
Date/Time: Thu 5/15/2025 from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Location: Down Range Indoor Training Center
Class Price: See Options
Notes: INSTRUCTOR: Brian Gonsalves

POST / NRA LEOSA (Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act) Qual or CCW ADD-ON:

POST / NRA LEOSA Qual $24.99:  Are you due for your annual requal?  This is a hour time slot with an officer/CCW instructor to conduct your qual.   ALL of our instructors are NRA certified to conduct your 50-state LEOSA qual.  This instructor is also POST certified should your department require it.

CCW Add-on $29.99:  Are you looking to add a firearm to your current permit?  This is a hour time slot with a CCW instructor to conduct an Add-on qual shoot for up two guns.  There will be an additional $5.00 charge for each Firearm over the initial two.  *Paid at the range*

In the comments section please let us know:

  1. How many firearms you are adding.
  2. If you are LEOSA - what agency is this qual for?
  3. If this is a CCW Add-on - what county you are permited in?

**No Membership Promo Codes accepted online for this service**

 ** NOT for Sutter Co. Add-ons **


Need ammo, magazines, holsters, or other firearms gear for your course?  Check out our webstore for items we will have waiting for you on the day of your class.   

click here for: Down Range Course Supplies & Other Accessories





2024 CCW Changes

Due to Governor Newsom signing into Law SB2; beginning January 1, 2024, CCW training requirement hours have increased. 

The training for the Initial CCW has increased from 8 hours to 16 hours. 

The CCW Renewal training has increased from 4 hours to 8 hours.

The "108 - Renewal or Initial Part 2" - 8hr CCW course will fulfill the requirements for a CCW Renewal, as well as provide 8 hours of the required 16 hours for an Initial CCW. 

The remaining 8 hours required for the Initial CCW can be fulfilled by completing the "110 - CCW Initial Part 1" course.  At this time we do not offer a modular CCW.

For a cost-savings option for all of our training courses, ask any of our sales associates about our Memberships, or email: